How to write the perfect Blog article?

How to write the perfect Blog article? (structure + examples)

Want to write the best blog article but don't know how to structure it?

You can write an attractive and useful blog post, but without a proper structure, few people will read it. People who visit the blog site may even get lost and give up without reading the post

In this article we'll show you how to write a great blog article, even if you're a beginner.

How to write the perfect Blog article? (structure + examples)

Why is structure so important in blog posts?

According to statistical research on blogging, there are more than 600 million blogs worldwide. With so much competition, you need to do everything you can to make your blogs stand out, including using the right structure.

A well-structured blog takes the reader from one point to the next in a logical, easy to follow and understand way. Many people simply skim through blogs, so the right structure helps people find the parts they are interested in.

The clear structure not only helps visitors to understand the content. Search engine robots can crawl your blogs more easily and then show them to the right people. This improves search engine rankings and gets more visitors to your website. WordPress for your blog.

How to write the perfect blog article (structure + examples)

How to write the perfect blog article?

You may be a world-class writer, but without a clear structure, blog articles are still difficult to read.

With this in mind, let's look at how to write a well-structured blog post, even if you are a complete beginner. Simply use the quick links in the table of contents above, for example, to jump straight to the topic you want to read about. Use this not only now, but also when writing your articles.

How to write the perfect blog article? How to write a good blog article? How to write a blog article? How to write blog article? How to write a blog article?

Sok eszköz van erre, ami megcsinálja ezt Ön helyett, például a legtöbb szövegszerkesztő is elkészíti a tartalomjegyzéket, van, amelyik élő, gyorslinkként. Ha esetleg WordPress-t vagy egyéb CMS rendszert használ, akkor több bővítményt is talál erre a feladatra. Persze Ön is megcsinálhatja, manuálisan. Ez utóbbi kicsit macerásabb egy hosszú cikk esetén, de sok szempontból hasznos, és szerintünk kihagyhatatlan.

Create a title that is interesting and appealing, preferably to the reader

The headlines of blog article posts are usually the first things that catch the eye - because of the highlights, the larger font, the better tagging... - so that's what people, readers, see first. No matter how good your blog content is, it will struggle if you want to attract or retain readers with titles that aren't good enough, not appealing enough, boring enough, or already used by many - well, we have some of those, but we strive to avoid them.

An attractive headline grabs the reader's attention.

However, the headline should describe what the post is about, while also encouraging people to read it. That's a tall order when you put it all together.

With so many blogs on the internet, it's hard to cut through the noise. While there's no magic formula for creating the perfect headline, the BuzzSumo analysed more than 100 million articles and concluded that the ideal headline length is between 11 words and 65 characters.

If you include numbers in your headlines, research suggests that people are more likely to share headlines containing single-digit numbers.

A BuzzSumo also found that more people are paying attention to headlines about the current year.

Adding one more year to the end of the title may be enough to increase the blog's traffic.

People are more likely to share headlines that suggest something new, so you may want to use phrases such as "for the first time".

Another trick is to tease out obligatory information by saying things like "need to know", "know it", "secret", "first", "how" or "best".

How to write a great blog post, with examples.Wordpress website builder wordpress website maintenance wordpress website builder price

If you write a "how to" post, think about the problem solved by the blog. What might someone type into a search engine when faced with this problem? This is often a great starting point for a compelling "how to" headline.

A cím megírása után beírhatja azt egy címsor elemzőbe, például egy internetes toolba, vagy egy SEO eszközbe vagy SEO bővítmény címelemzőjébe.

Personally, I use the latter, although mostly just for checking. Among other things, because I often write too long, verbose titles and headings, and it's a great reminder to correct this.

For example, most plug-ins use real data to score the address bar and make suggestions to improve it. This way, even beginners can write a great and eye-catching blog title.

Write a clear and concise introduction to the blog article

Every great blog post needs a clear introduction that tells visitors what the post is about. This helps people decide if they are interested in the topic.

Just like the headline, it is not enough to simply say what the blog is about. You also need to make the visitor keep reading.

People don't want to waste time on blogs that don't interest them. Despite this, or perhaps because of it, the introduction should be short and to the point. Ideally, it should aim for 1-3 paragraphs.

When it comes to creating a short, concise introduction, a good trick is to try to include the blog's keyword as soon as possible. If you stick to this goal, you're less likely to stray from the topic.

Depending on the blog you write, you can get good results by sharing interesting or surprising statistics in your introduction.

Another option is to talk about a problem and promise a solution.

Many introductions also use FOMO, or fear of falling behind. By squeezing time, you can get people to read the post now, rather than risk missing out on a gift, event, trip or whatever else the post is talking about.

Clear division of content into sections with headings

According to 2022 and 2023 attention spans research and studies on the web, most people feel that their attention spans are shorter than before.

No matter how good your writing is, all your hard work is wasted if readers can't concentrate on more than a few paragraphs.

How to write a good blog article?

Therefore, we recommend that you use headings to break your post into smaller sections and more searchable topics and paragraph sections.

Headlines help readers scroll through the post and find the content that interests them. This also makes it easier for them to re-read sections they want to read again.

Before you start writing, it's worth mapping out all the headings you want to use and the content you want to add to each section. This will keep you focused while writing your post.

Today, in 2023-2024, there are plenty of useful tools available if you think you can't figure it out on your own.

Although I don't think that the reader is incapable of doing this on their own, and not least so that it can be truly authentic. It is also the best way to really get to grips with a topic and the right headlines, because it is by thinking with your own mind and your own questions and problems that you can most effectively approach other people's questions, issues and interests.

This is one of the most important elements of the headlines and gives the right focus to the thematic groups.

After creating the headings, arrange them so that the content follows in a logical sequence. For example, if fitness blog you shouldn't tell your readers how many times to repeat a workout before you show them how to do it.

When it's time to add these headings to your For WordPress website, you can use six (6) built-in header labels (H1...H6.

Website creation - Divide content into clear sections with headings

for bulleted and numbered lists you can create a nested headline and subheading structure with these headlines.

However, we recommend that you keep the headline hierarchy as simple as possible to avoid confusing readers. This means using H2 headings for main sections, then H3 headings for subsections, and so on.

Add a table of contents

The table of contents lists the main points of the entry and provides links to each section. This gives visitors an overview of what the blog covers, while allowing them to jump straight to the content that interests them.

This can keep visitors on your site for longer, even if they are only interested in a part of a blog post.

Add a table of contents to a blog article

The table of contents can even improve the WordPress SEO, as Google often uses the table to automatically add "jump to section" links to search results.

Keep paragraphs and sentences short

Imagine opening a blog post, only to find a passage of text. You would probably leave the page immediately. Nevertheless, it is important to break your blog into short paragraphs and sentences. These are easier to skim through and seem much less daunting, especially on mobile devices.

A good trick is to avoid long and complicated words, complicated metaphors and flowery language. All this means: keep it simple.

You should structure sentences and paragraphs in such a way that you give the reader the most important information first, and then go into finer detail from there. This makes it easier for the reader to skip over the parts that are not of interest.

Add pictures, videos and other media content

Visitors don't want to feel like they're reading a novel when they visit your blog. With this in mind, it's worth adding visual content such as photos, infographics, screenshots, graphs and charts.

This immediately breaks up the text, but helps visitors see at a glance what each section is about. Each visual content is another opportunity to grab the reader's attention as they scroll through the post.

Yet it seems that blogs with visual content are more popular. Blogging statistical research shows that posts with more than seven images receive 116% more organic traffic than posts with no images. Similarly, blogs with videos receive 83% more traffic than those without videos.

If you write blogs about "how to", then pictures will help your visitors understand what to do. For example, this WaaS - Landing Page Creation blog uses screenshots to show readers what they need to click the next button to create a WordPress landing page. - Landing Site Creation Blog

Remember that a lot of high-resolution media can increase the loading time of your website, so it is important to optimise the images and other media content. Readers have to scroll through any media that they are not interested in, which can be particularly frustrating for smartphone and tablet users.

Nevertheless, any visualisation should add value for the reader.

Close the blog posts with a conclusion

A good conclusion summarises all the points you have used in the blog without introducing new information.

As a general rule, however, conclusions are usually quite short, so don't worry if the conclusion is one or two sentences.

Finishing with a compelling call to action (CTA)

When the reader reaches the end of the post, you should tell them what to do. This should be an action that keeps them on the blog page or drives them to convert, which an incentive to act are called.

The following Easy digital downloads you can see a number of calls to action on the site.

How to write the perfect Blog article? (structure + examples)

The incentive to do the right thing is clear, asks the user to act precisely and has a sense of urgency. For example, you can ask them to download a PDF file, or subscribe to to the e-mail newsletter.

Another option is to suggest some posts that the visitor might want to read next time.

For best results, include links that are in some way related to the current blog.

We hope this article has helped you find and learn good ideas to write better blog articles.

If you like what you read here, share it with others! Thank you!


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