547,200 new online websites, CMS, WordPress websites, blogs, webshops are created every day, worldwide - Don't miss out on these opportunities.

Update to the above data:

I just read a recent data for 2022-2023, which suggests around 252,000 new websites, yes, not a website, but a complete/whole website is created every day! (see the table showing this on an annual basis from 2008 to 2022)


Everyone vlogbe, blogolni, webshop, podcastyou want to start a business, or you want to bring a new service or product to others and generate revenue. That's fine! 

Csak ennek legyünk Mi is részesei! 🙂


If we are good at something, or better than others, why not help those who are interested but do not have the knowledge or talent, or do not want to become successful? 

Do what you like, enjoy it, even help others and show what you are good at. Last but not least

Earn money with a website!
Active or passive income!

WordPress Website Creation - new online website CMS, WordPress website, blog, webshop website created worldwide - WordPress Website Creation Online Presence WordPress Operation WordPress Maintenance WordPress Maintenance WebDesign - WebServe.com

Yes, why not make money doing what you do or what you love? It's a dream for a lot of people, and you just have to start, because most people don't even get there.

And you will do the first step?

Today we cheap (we wrote about this here in a previous article), you can enter the market and even the international market with an online presence, for example a website, a webshop or a website based on a CMS (i.e. content management system) such as WordPress.


Here's what it looks like at the moment: (source: siteefy.com)

Total Number of Websites by Year - source: siteefy.com
YearAll websitesActive websites
January 20221,167,715,133198,988,100
January 20211,197,982,359199,533,484
January 20201,295,973,827189,000,000
January 20191,518,207,412182,185,876
January 20181,805,260,010171,648,771
January 20171,800,047,111172,353,235
January 2016906,616,188170,258,872
January 2015876,812,666177,127,427
January 2014861,379,152180,067,270
January 2013629,939,191186,821,503
January 2012582,716,657182,441,983
January 2011273,301,445101,838,083
January 2010206,741,99083,456,669
January 2009185,497,21371,647,887
January 2008155,583,82568,274,154

So, currently more than 1 billion Website.

The number of websites worldwide has been confirmed and published by NetCraft in its July 2022 Web Server Survey.

How many websites are there on the internet?


Although the exact number of websites varies by the second, there are well over 1 billion websites on the web /*5 pages per website on average, and we explain why below/ (1 139 467 659 according to Netcraft's July 2022 web server survey, compared to 1 167 715 133 in January 2022).


The 1 billion website milestone was reached in September 2014 and then bounced back to below 1 billion for a year and a half.

The number of websites on the internet reached 1 billion again only in March 2016.

Today, this number continues to change and grow by the second. By the time you read this article, 3 new websites are being added every second. Website, is not a page, but a complete site, which is an average of 4.9 web pages (Home, Products/Services, Contact, About...) worldwide. So, in this reading, there are about 5 billion pages/websites on the Internet today.

Of course, let's not forget - as the table above shows - that the more than 1 billion website "only" has nearly 200 million active Website, or around 1 billion active pages.


To stick with sources and other information, the actual figure seems to be much higher at the moment, at around 50 billion pages!

But the facts could not fully support this, and there is an estimate based on them:

According to a research project (updated daily) by Tilburg University (The Netherlands), the Indexed Web contains at least 4.98 billion pages (5 September 2021). Which of course means some kind of search engine visible, indexed page. And so others are better off with 50 billion versus 5 billion pages. Because a lot of pages are made, a lot of them are created, a lot of them are not even published, i.e. they will not be included in this statement/research.

It's worth a look here if you're interested in more detail: WorldWideWebSize.com | The size of the World Wide Web (The Internet)

At the moment it looks like this:

WorldWideWebSize.com - daily estimated size of the World Wide Web
The size of the World Wide Web (The Internet)
The Indexed Web contains at least 5.93 billion pages (Tuesday, 04 October, 2022).
The Dutch Indexed Web contains at least 2772.29 million pages (Tuesday, 04 October, 2022).
The Indexed Web | The Dutch Indexed Web

Last MonthLast Three MonthsLast YearLast Two YearsLast Five Years

website creation,website creation,website creation quote,website creation quote,website creation,wordpress website,website maintenance,wordpress website maintenance,online website,new online website,CMS,wordpress,website 547 200 new online website, CMS, WordPress website, blog, webshop are created daily, worldwide!GB = Sorted on Google and Bing
BG = Sorted on Bing and Google

And the number of pages submitted for indexing by various search engines (Google, Bing, /Yahoo Search, Ask, -not included in survey data/) or found by search engines, according to the last one year of information/data closed in October 2021-2022:

website creation,website creation,website creation quote,website creation quote,website creation,wordpress website,website maintenance,wordpress website maintenance,online website,new online website,CMS,wordpress,website 547 200 new online website, CMS, WordPress website, blog, webshop are created daily, worldwide!The size of the World Wide Web:
Estimated size of Google's index

Last MonthLast Three MonthsLast YearLast Two YearsLast Five Years

website creation,website creation,website creation quote,website creation quote,website creation,wordpress website,website maintenance,wordpress website maintenance,online website,new online website,CMS,wordpress,website 547 200 new online website, CMS, WordPress website, blog, webshop are created daily, worldwide!
website creation,website creation,website creation quote,website creation quote,website creation,wordpress website,website maintenance,wordpress website maintenance,online website,new online website,CMS,wordpress,website 547 200 new online website, CMS, WordPress website, blog, webshop are created daily, worldwide!The size of the World Wide Web:
Estimated size of Bing index

Last MonthLast Three MonthsLast YearLast Two YearsLast Five Years

website creation,website creation,website creation quote,website creation quote,website creation,wordpress website,website maintenance,wordpress website maintenance,online website,new online website,CMS,wordpress,website 547 200 new online website, CMS, WordPress website, blog, webshop are created daily, worldwide!
website creation,website creation,website creation quote,website creation quote,website creation,wordpress website,website maintenance,wordpress website maintenance,online website,new online website,CMS,wordpress,website 547 200 new online website, CMS, WordPress website, blog, webshop are created daily, worldwide!The size of the World Wide Web:
Estimated size of Yahoo Search index
We don't measure Yahoo.com anymore, because Yahoo has stopped showing the total number of results.
website creation,website creation,website creation quote,website creation quote,website creation,wordpress website,website maintenance,wordpress website maintenance,online website,new online website,CMS,wordpress,website 547 200 new online website, CMS, WordPress website, blog, webshop are created daily, worldwide!The size of the World Wide Web:
Estimated size of Ask's index
We don't measure Ask.com anymore, because Ask has stopped showing the total number of results.



However, this number is constantly changing in real time. Just like with websites most things related to.

While some websites are being deleted from the internet every day, new ones are being created in their place.

The point is, whichever way you look at it, there are a lot of sites on the internet, which means a lot of people are making their global presence felt online and around the world. 

We think it's not worth missing out!

Ask us for a quote for Website development, or, based on the above, for a non-Hungarian, but we would say Website development!

And we are still on a growth path...



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If you have something to share with the world, whether to make money or not, start by making it available to your country or even the entire online world through a Websitepal.


If you love doing something and good at it or even just to show others what you have done wrong, if only so that others can learn from it...

Or you want to create a lasting impression with a Website, a Business and make it available locally or globally, on the Web, with the online world of the Internet...


How does WebServe help?


If you don't want to tackle such a problem or task on your own, find the professionals best suited to your needs and expectations.

You can find such professionals at WebServe.

Webserve and members of the group ( e.g.: Service Rent ) are there so that you can get online and not be the by programming, web design, or even design-to deal with. Don't struggle for days, weeks, months with these professions.

Here I am not only referring to web development, web design, but also to other complex and separate professions such as: regular maintenance, operation, advertising or SEO, i.e. with search engine optimisation I also mean professionals or knowledge.


I don't want to overestimate any of the professions, but all of them are backed by long years of learning and experience. Of course everything can be learned, it's just a question of time, money, energy, affinity, knowledge or perseverance.

We give you the opportunity to consider your Online presence as an investment in your future, your business, your success!

Instead of learning one-off web development or other knowledge, you can do what you know or love and show or sell it to others!


This will give you occasional, recurring or regular income, or even passive income, regular income!


WordPress Website Development. Free or with experts? - Part 1 WordPress Website Creation Operation Maintenance Online Presence - Webserve New Website Blog Background Money Time Revenue - WordPress Website Creation Online Presence WordPress Operation WordPress Maintenance WebDesign - WebServe.com

Yes, if you manage to present well in the online world what you want, what you are good at, you can get to the stage in a short time where you don't have to work for yourself, but your website or blog can work for you, instead of you!

Come and join us! 

Webserve team can help you in almost all areas!

Tell us what you want and we'll discuss how best to make it happen.

But if a simple and cost-effective, or you want a professional website, as soon as possible, so you can get up and running immediately, this is another great way to go.

Webserve.hu create your website, blog or web presence, either simply or tailored to your needs.

If you need it, it's all up and running, maintained and updated, so you only have to celebrate success.

Come to us for these! Let this be our Common Success!

Best regards,

a Webserve - webserve.hu team - Service Rent CE member of the group.

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