Website development prices and costs in 2023

Website development prices in 2023


Welcome to the WebServe on the website! Our goal is to provide you with the best quality and most effective website that will rank extremely high in Google search results. In this article, we provide comprehensive and detailed information about the prices and costs of website creation in 2023. We trust that it will help you to better understand pricing and make your decision to develop your website easier.

There are a number of factors that affect the price of website design - read on for more...

A website development costs is influenced by many factors, all of which play an important role in the success and effectiveness of your project. You need to pay due attention to the factors behind the price to ensure the best results and return on your investment.

  1. Funkcionalitás és komplexitás: A weboldalak költsége jelentősen függ a tervezett funkcióktól és a projekt komplexitásától. Ha egy egyszerűbb, információs jellegű weboldalt szeretnél, az ár alacsonyabb lehet, míg egy bonyolultabb, többfunkciós oldal fejlesztése magasabb költséggel járhat.
  2. Design and uniqueness: an attractive and professional-looking website is key to successful online presence in terms of. If you need a custom design and customized graphics, this can affect the cost. The more time and work it takes to develop the design and visual elements, the higher the price will be.
  3. Content management system (CMS): the choice of content management system (CMS) also affects prices. Popular and well-supported CMSs, such as WordPress, are generally more cost-effective, as there are a number of templates and plug-ins available. However, if you require a custom CMS or special features, this can be more expensive.
  4. Responsive design and mobile-friendly interface: with mobile traffic on the rise, mobile-friendly websites are essential. Developing and testing a responsive design and mobile-friendly interface can require more man-hours and can affect costs accordingly.
  5. Custom upgrades and features: if you require special, custom upgrades and features, this can have a significant impact on prices. Custom programming, API integrations or any special needs may require additional work and resources.
  6. Project size and deadlines: project size and completion deadlines also affect prices.
But it can be read in a less complex way and maybe it will be a bit more transparent:

Website development prices

Website creation prices and costs in 2023Website creation pricesWebsite creation prices in 2023Website creationWebsite designWebsite design pricesWebsite creation pricesWebsite creation priceswordpress website creation priceswordpress maintenance pricesWebsite creation pricesWebsite creation pricesWebsite creation pricesWebsite creation pricesWebsite creation pricesWebsite creation pricesWebsite creation prices in 2023

A price of website creation depends on many factors, including design complexity, functionality, content volume and other specific needs. The main factors for pricing are detailed below:

1. Website or WebShop design and design

The first and one of the most important steps is to website planning and design. During this phase, our experienced designers work with you to create a website that reflects the unique identity of your business. Developing the design and visual elements usually starts from 120 thousand HUF, but this cost may vary according to specific needs.

2. Creating content

A effective website content is essential for ranking. Content preparation and writing is usually the most time-consuming process, requiring proper research, keyword optimisation and professional writing skills. Prices can vary by content type, but in general They start from 40 thousand HUF for an average-sized business website.

3. Functionality and special needs

Additional costs may be involved in developing the website's features and specific needs. This may include online store integration, booking systems, custom forms and many other options. Depending on the complexity of such features and needs, and the development time, prices can vary significantly. The cost of a website with such specific needs is usually starting from 250 thousand HUF.

4. Website optimisation and SEO

Az optimalizálás és a SEO (keresőoptimalizálás) kulcsfontosságú tényezők a weboldal sikerességéhez és rangsorolásához. A megfelelő kulcsszavak kiválasztása és a tartalom optimalizálása segít abban, hogy weboldala jobb helyezést érjen el a Google találati listájában. Az Our SEO experts help your website rank for the right keywords and increase the number of visitors. The link to SEO services usually start from 60 thousand HUF, depending on the level of optimisation the website requires.

webshop priceswebshop priceswebshop priceswebshop priceswebshop priceswebshop prices

WebServe: Your trusted partner for Website, WebShop, Landing Page and SEO - from one source!

We trust that we have provided you with comprehensive and detailed information on the about the prices for website development and its costs in 2023. If your business wants an efficient and prestigious website, we are the ideal partner for you.

Vállalkozásunk rendelkezik a szükséges tapasztalattal és szakértői csapattal, hogy egyedi igényeit maximálisan kielégítse. Professzionális tervezőink és fejlesztőink magas minőségű weboldalakat hoznak létre, míg az íróink hatékony tartalmat készítenek, amely nemcsak felkelti a látogatók érdeklődését, hanem erősíti a SEO szempontból is.


The price and cost of building a website depends on a number of factors, including design, content creation, features and SEO costs. It is important to entrust your website to reliable and experienced professionals who will take into account your specific needs and guarantee high quality.

Landing page priceLanding page priceLanding page creation priceLanding page creation priceLanding page creation price

We provide a baseline based on market research conducted in May 2023. Of course, it is easy for prices to differ more significantly than this, but we have not taken them into account because we wanted to show a broad market average.

For simplicity and ease of reference, this is also shown in a very simplified table:

Below we have compiled Website Prices, Webshop Prices, Landing page creation pricein one place, with May 2023 data:

Website creation pricewordpress website pricewordpress maintenance pricewordpress webshop creation pricewebshop creation pricelanding page pricelanding page creation price
*Website price, WebStore price, Landing Page price in one place in this table (May 2023 data)

Please contact us at WebServe or the WeBizPro via our website to discuss further details and help you with your website, webshop or landing page, SEO and online marketing opportunities.

The team - WebServe is a WeBizPro Group member.

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