Domain registration, web address, domain name or what should be the address of your chosen website?

Domain registration, web address, domain name or what should be the address of your chosen website?


This is the question that some of our customers ask us for help with, while others come to us with a specific idea or concept.

Which is better, to have some kind of web address or to choose a new one to match the brand?


Both are good, but which one has the advantage? 

We at WebServe are also happy to carry out or assist you with your domain registration


If our clients request it, we will also carry out the domain registration. 

As we have already mentioned, we can help you to build a website from scratch or from the birth of the idea, and if there is a demand for it, we will operate and maintain it. 

Anyway, the best thing to do is to choose a domain name or a web address that is adapted to your goals and brand, provided that the address is still free, because it is not easy...


What do we gain?


If you have no idea, we can help you choose. Should you, our customers, come with an existing registered address?



With the address already registered we can buy time. Not much, but 1-2 days. Typically, the turnaround time for a registration and the address to become live is 1-2 days or even more in some cases. It can be faster, but it can also be delayed. Or after 1-2 days they can also cancel the registration.



I have a registered domain name, web address from a long time ago...



Many people come up with the idea that they have a web address from a long time ago and they would like to use it.

If it fits into the plans, strategy, concept, and e.g.: there was no content other than the new site's topic on it before and there is no spam value for the site, or it has worked with similar content before, it might be perfect, because the SEO, i.e. it can even help in the search engine optimisation steps. 

Before anything else, the domain should be checked for compliance. For example,, a free SEO Tool, SEO analysis tool (Free Domain Analysis SEO Tool | Domain Authority Checker - Moz).
With this tool you can check the domain strength of your web address, spam cleanliness and much more for free SEO valuable information.

If you are interested, you can find information on SEO in another article.

But if you prefer to seek professional help with the above, we are more than happy to help if you contact us

Domain Registration for WordPress Website



Domain Name for WordPress Website Registration - WordPress Website Creation Online Presence WordPress Hosting WordPress Maintenance WebDesign -

It is even emphasised that if we make our own choices, good title, if possible, choose a reference to the activity, or one that relates to your brand is linked to. It should also be simple so that it is easy to remember. No spelling or punctuation quirks that could be misinterpreted or even lead you to another competing site. And if it can be something like software, software... which is used in several versions in this country because several versions are in use, then make sure to include other similar names, so that the competitor doesn't take the money poured into the hard-constructed search engine optimization strategy...

or don't spell it respectively, like Tóth, Toth, because it will point to two different web addresses. Because it is important that searches SEO and others should have a higher hit rate/success.


Because at the end of the day this is matters.

SEO or Search Engine Optimization – search engine optimization this is also a factor and can help a lot to be successful, so pay attention to it!

Think carefully about your choice of web address, domain name!

A Webserve we are happy to help you choose, find and even register the right name.

Ami néha nem egyszerű mert már rengeteg jó cím elkelt és foglalt… 🙁

We can always come up with something better, something more imaginative, if the title we have in mind is already taken...

We think this is a step not to be taken too soon!
Persze pár napnál többet ülni az elképzelésen sem a megfelelő taktika 🙂

If you have questions about this, contact us and we will help you!

If you find it faster or more efficient, ask us for free offer, which can include all the steps - according to your needs - from the domain name to the creation of a website, WordPress website, online presence or online presence, social media sites (Facebook, Meta, LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter...), to the creation and operation of your website or business!

Good luck!


Best regards,

WeBizPro a Service Rent and the Webserve team

WebServe Domain Registration - Domain name registration, domain name or what should be your chosen Web address?

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