Mega Eco-friendly WordPress Website - or be efficient - WebServe helps you do it!

What makes your online presence, website or WordPress Website, Eco-friendly Website?

In short, it is fast, efficient, does not contain too much information and is optimised for the right size.

We don't want to talk you out of your own WEB pages, but we can do so with the following in mind.
Free Website creation, free hosting, free domain name!

So, fast, efficient, compressed and optimized...

For example, images, videos, or large files placed on a website are responsively sized, at the right resolution (Web resolution) and file size, load speed and usage optimised.

Appropriate resolution, pixel count and compression, equally optimized. At least for images and videos.

Which still produces good quality results on the website, but is the smallest in size by comparison. For example, we store all images uploaded to our websites in an environmentally friendly, compressed format. So we only use a larger image size once when it is compressed. But after that, each time the images are loaded, the system uses significantly less energy by using and loading images optimised for smaller sizes.

It is a small step, but results can be achieved and demonstrated with small steps and small ideas.

Last but not least, it is also important for SEO, i.e. search engine optimisation.

It is important that the website loads quickly, and a key part of this is optimising it as described above.

I get it, the reader might say, but in today's fast internet world, it's not so important. Of course it is! More and more people are reading online information on some kind of mobile device, tablet, phone or any device that uses a mobile internet connection.
Here, fast loading and loading of pages is a priority.
If not, the reader is simply redirected to a webpage with similar content, but which loads quickly. This is not one of the objectives.

Environmentally friendly website, online presence, optimized images in an eco-friendly way - webserve with wordpress website
An eco-friendly website with environmentally optimised images - WebServe

Environmentally Friendly Online Presence

All online presence environmentally friendly results if we approach the problem in this or similar ways.

You can also help with a online presence in efficiency and environmental friendliness if it contains information to the required depth. In other words, if you are looking for the content you are looking for, you should present it in an ideally professional way, but with understandable language and the level of detail you expect.

In this case, even a by searching the reader reaches his/her goal, i.e. he/she stops searching, thus not further overloading the internet and search servers. In other words, it saves energy.
Of course, this ideal situation rarely materialises.

WEB search with an eco-friendly approach

We search the web a lot every day. The amount of information there is overwhelming, which is one of the reasons why it's hard to find the content you want.

Search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo can help you do this. This is understandable, as it is the fastest way to find what you are looking for. And I don't want to discourage the reader, but I've looked it up and a search on the web consumes a lot of electricity and energy. I was surprised myself.

Searching the web online - we don't even think about how much Co2 it producesOnline presence, Find online presence with web search engines - WebServe
Search the web online - we don't even think about how much Co2 it produces

How much carbon dioxide is produced by an online search, e.g. Google or Bing?

One Google search is equivalent to 0.01 kilograms of carbon dioxide emissions (source: Did you know? One Google search equals 0.01 kilogram of carbon dioxide emissions - Alternative Energy) "With 3.5 billion searches a day, is responsible for 40 percent of the internet's carbon footprint. Google satisfies 47,000 search requests per second, which results in 500 kilograms of carbon dioxide emissions. Yes, every second. That's 30 000 kilograms of CO2 every minute." - And that's not the most recent figure. While this is the Co2 produced by the largest search company at present, in 2022, there are more search engines than just Google search.

Of course, this is only a minimum proportion of the time we spend on the web. I'm not proud of it, but when this page is written, or you read it, it takes up a considerable amount of energy. The aim is not, of course, to get everyone to throw away the mouse under their arm or the mouse with the back of their hand - which is what I use. It is just a reminder. And I would also like to draw attention to the fact that if we create websites, have websites created or use websites, we should strive to be environmentally friendly. to create websites or reading. In this way, we're saving our environment and our planet, our world, for present and future generations. (We're already making a big step forward by using our browsers, or even our entire operating systems, in dark mode.

(Többek között ezen a téren is rengeteg fejleszteni valónk van nekünk is. Rajta vagyunk… 🙂 )

Environmentally Friendly WordPress Website, website, website development prices, wordpress website, wordpress website, wordpress website, environmentally friendly website, optimized, efficient, optimized with images, WordPress Website environmentally friendly, compression, dark mode, WordPress Website Maintenance, website maintenance, web presence Mega Environmentally Friendly Wordpress Website - or be efficient - WebServe helps you with that too!
Eco-friendly solutions for an eco-friendly WordPress Website - WebServe

But it also contributes to the fact that, for example, a large part of the information is on one page, there is little need to click and reload pages, or the servers are powered by solar or wind energy, renewable energy...

Why should your website be environmentally friendly?

Think about how much electricity is used to run the WEB, how much eco-footprint is formed for example, the servers that store and run data websites use a lot of resources, electricity and heat, which is fun, but also need to be cooled, which requires a lot of electricity and heat... and of course the electricity to do that needs to be generated...

Or, for example, a search, as mentioned above, even if we don't look at the other side of it - which extends all the way from the Internet and other cables under the oceans to satellites - only the servers on which these searches result in computations, queries, whether it is just a simple Google search. - Just here would be worth to stop and think. - Good idea ?

I will stop and not go into the question any further, you, the reader, do that.

Please let us know your views on this if you would like.

Thank you!

Best regards,

Webserve - team

We make websites - even eco-friendly websites, WordPress website, karbantartással, az Ön számára 🙂

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