How many SEO keywords should I use in my article?

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How many SEO keywords should I use in my article?

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How many SEO keywords should I use in my article? - SEO keywords - - How many SEO keywords should I use in my article?

A web content creation the question of how many keywords to use for SEO often arises. Obviously, keywords play an essential role in ranking a website, but simple repetition is not enough. Here's how to use keywords effectively to improve rankings.

What is a keyword or SEO keyword?

Keyword research How many SEO keywords should I use in my article?
Keyword research?

Keywords are words or phrases that search engines identify on websites and use to index content. They should therefore correspond to the subject of the publication or the topic and content of the writing. The order of ranking is determined by the level of correspondence with users' search terms and their identification with the actual content by Google or any search engines. And here the correlation between content and keywords should not be neglected.

This makes it important to pay particular attention to keyword selection, how many keywords to use for SEO and the nature and depth of the content you want to link to.

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How to choose keywords?

It seems logical that using the most popular keyword will increase organic traffic. But the use of keywords is more nuanced than that. The most frequently used keywords are usually very competitive. It is almost certain that your competitors are using them, which makes it almost impossible to overtake them in the top rankings, especially if there are already well-established list leaders in your chosen topic.

(If you want to read more SEO basicssee our article below)

Social media Social media SEO Keywords keywords keywords -
Social Media Social media keywords -

But don't give up. You can get good results with keywords with lower search volume if you use them wisely. This means focusing on the user's intent, the reason for the search. So in addition to calculating how many keywords to use for SEO, focus on identifying effective keywords. A competitive SEO strategy will allow you to get ahead/above other, more well-known brands.

Long-tail keywords

SEO Search Engine Optimization - How many SEO keywords should I use in my article?
Long-tail keywords - SEO Search Engine Optimization -

So-called long-tail keywords are complex phrases that more precisely target the topic of the content. As such, they are often longer than traditional keywords and more specific. For example, the keyword "educational games" can be difficult to rank highly for. However, "educational games for children 0-2 years" is a narrower search term.

A long-tail keyword targets a specific niche market. Its use can result in less organic traffic, but higher quality, brings more focused visitors. The visitors and readers who visit your site will actually be interested in your content, which leads to a higher likelihood of conversion. From this perspective, it matters less how many keywords you use for SEO than the accuracy of the keywords you choose.

How many keywords to use for SEO?

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Digital-marketing-SEO White Hat White Hat SEO Online Marketing Social Media SEO Google WEB Webserve

One of the most important decisions about content creation is how many keywords to use for SEO and whether to repeat or use more keywords. It's often a good idea to combine two or more complementary keywords, even slightly rephrased, in the same piece of content. This can be achieved by using long-tail keywords or additional terms with a related meaning but similar relevance. Although it has been proven that neither search engines nor Google have parameters for LSI keywords, semantic indexing is a relevant criterion.

When a topic is discussed in depth, reference is usually made to related concepts. It is not a matter of using synonyms, but of adding terms closely related to the main keyword.

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SEO Processes - SEO Search Engine Optimization -

The simple approach to this technique is to write content that focuses on a single keyword. After a certain period of time, review the resulting ranking and analyse whether other keywords are also related to your page. Optimise these to improve your search engine ranking.

When broadening your focus, make sure you choose keywords that are related to the topic, otherwise you will lose traction and good relevance ratings from search engines.

How often should I use keywords for SEO?

How often should SEO be used? - Search-Engine-Optimization-SEO

It is best to avoid indiscriminate use of keywords. The number of times a keyword is used does not necessarily correlate with how high it ranks. Frequent repetition is considered keyword stuffing, which most search engines tend to view negatively and negatively affects rankings. In other words, be careful when using both keywords that repeat too often and keywords that are too numerous.

Search engines penalize redundancy. This is considered a black hat SEO tactic. Moreover, rephrasing content does not add value. On the contrary, it also reduces its relevance. Remember that how well it responds to the user's search intent is a stronger criterion for ranking in the first place.

When determining how many keywords to use for SEO, or how many times to repeat them, we need to distinguish between the concepts of frequency and density. The former refers to the absolute number of times a keyword appears. In other words, it is the number of times a keyword occurs.

SEO AUDIT - SEO Search Engine Optimization - How many SEO keywords should I use in my article?

The density is calculated on the basis of the length of the content. For example, a 500-word text should contain fewer repetitions of a keyword than a 1000-word text. As shorter text requires a more superficial and concise approach, it is not necessary to use the keyword more than once.

However, there is no general consensus on density. Some experts recommend using one keyword for every 100 words of content. This corresponds to a density of 1%. Some extend the optimal range to 2% of the entire text.

SEO White Hat White Hat SEO Online Marketing Social Media SEO Google WEB Web Server
SEO White Hat White Hat SEO Online Marketing Social Media SEO Google WEB Web Server

Instead of arbitrarily deciding how many keywords to use in the SEO you should aim to integrate them naturally. Make sure that each occurrence makes sense and facilitates rather than hinders the reading and understanding of the text.

Search engine algorithms can detect incorrect use of keywords. Forcing these terms into the text can undermine the credibility and value of the content. In other words, sooner or later the article will lose position.

In short, don't focus on how many keywords to use in your SEO but try to create engaging and accurate content. Effective wording will guide the reader much more towards understanding the purpose or benefit of your offer.

How to use keywords? (Summary)

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Search Engine Optimization - - Keywords SEO

In summary, be aware that keyword placement is more important than density or frequency. Put them in the meta title and meta description, use them in the URL and last but not least, of course, in the body of the text. They should also appear in the title and in some subtitles. It is important to use them in image file names and alternative text.

As you can see, it's not a question of how many keywords to use in the SEO but how to use them effectively.

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