Free WebDesign Web Design / Web Designer Course (Part 2)

free WebDesign / WebDesigner course part 2

Welcome to the free WebDesign / WebDesigner course below
Part 2!

If you have not already read the rest of the course here too find it:




Basics of graphic design

Broadly speaking, the above are what we will cover, what you will discover in this free in the course. Paid Web Design és Web fejlesztői tanfolyamokban you will find similar elements and steps.

You can discover the the basics of graphic design. Things like typography, such as the selection and use of appropriate fonts, font size, colour usage in the use of layouts, a images from and other graphic/graphic elements Use of. All of these will be discussed during the online training.

HTML, CSS, Web skills, Wireframing...

All the web skills of the user experience UI design, UX (UI-User Interface / User Interface - UX User Experience / User Experience) design, Website Wireframing (Website schematic design) creating interactions and understanding their evolution in the HTML and CSS concept, operation.

Extra Income, Earning an Income as a Web Designer & Creating websites process

In fact, we work on the internet, online. This makes it necessary to use software. We will talk about the most commonly used paid software and the equally good free alternatives and software versions. You'll need them too, so that you can move ahead quickly and efficiently.

Making money as a Web Designer & the whole process of creating a website

If you're a beginner and don't want to invest in a paid solution - which might not be worth it at first - go for the free alternative. Although their handling is somewhat different from the software you will use as a professional and the range of options is narrower, they are for the beginner web developer, Website For Creator, WebDesigner will be perfect for getting started.

This is the route we took, so we can heartily recommend it to others. However, it is up to you to decide!

Typography, use of colours - graphic design

It can be done even as a beginner, and we recommend taking on small projects, either for free or for a fee, but it is a good way to assess your knowledge, limitations, potential, weaknesses and strengths.

In addition, you can really progress and develop on projects, concrete tasks and learn how to manage customers. All this is essential if you want to become a web designer or Website builder, earn money as a web developer, possibly as a graphic designer, graphic designer, freelancer or freelance.

beginner Web Developer, Website Builder, Web Designer - WebServe

For those who do not want to earn money with it, but would like to do it as a hobby, we also recommend that you do not only work on tasks you have invented yourself, but also take on other assignments. This will definitely open up much wider possibilities and boundaries in terms of creativity and ideas and designs.


Continue reading at next part: part 3




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