Free WebDesign Course / Free WebDesigner Course Part 1

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Free WebDesign / WebDesigner Course - Part 1

Welcome to the free WebDesign / WebDesigner course below Part 1!




Web Design course or WebDesigner
Training and course primarily for beginners recommended, but before you go any further, the training does not stop at this level! 

Intermediate up to advanced level will also be able to progress as you progress through the course. It is less helpful to advanced learners, or more likely to provide repetition help, because course starts from the basics and because the topics and steps are for beginners designed for.



Web developer web designer designer free course


Webfejlesztő WebDesigner Tervező ingyenes tanfolyam – Content is King! 🙂




  The following free WebDesigner course, despite being free, provides a lot of help  For creating websites or to make your own, Webes jelenlét és az összkép kialakításához egyaránt.



The course consists of several parts, because of its length and complexity. This is the first part, in which the fundsyou, Dear Reader, will get an insight into some concepts.

This is the Online WebDesign, WebDesigner training - if the all parts will guide you from the first steps to the advanced level.

Abban reménykedem, hogy ez a tréning sorozat, szó szerint megváltoztathatja a Kedves Olvasó életét! 🙂

Let's get started...


WebDesigner - webdesign training online appearance




We are also the Web Design?
Who is the WebDesigner?
What is the Web Design?
What will this free tool be suitable for, what will it be used for Web Design A course?


Web design is really a combination of two different skill sets or industries.

One of the graphic design Design, which is all about how to use design, shapes, backgrounds, graphic elements, matching colours, which fits in with the context and the message you are conveying pictures, photos, videos design and presentation of the website in the most optimal way to convey the message to the user. 

Of course part of the typography which will be discussed in more detail later, but by this we mean the selection, use, dimensions, colours and layout of characters, letters and fonts. We include the brand, the brand and the image design is.

A very important aspect of all this, when we talk about a website, is the website loading speed is. Although this is basically an element of the next point, but we should also mention here, since an example not properly optimised, scaled, compressed picture or video element, in addition to crippling the site, it can also have an extremely negative impact on search results, page ranking and ranking, and may even completely can sentence a person to death well prepared in other respects website.


Web Development WordPress - Artificial Intelligence AI


Web Development, WebDesign, WordPress, Coding - Artificial Intelligence, AI



2. Web, Web development, Website creation, Website constructionWordPress website Preparation, Online WebDesign





The other is the WEB, Web development, which is looking for the best way to understand how people interact, how the internet interacts with people, how people react to each other, to issues.

What and how should the user experience and how they can be implemented WebDevelopment / By coding or Content Manager (such as WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, Wix, Shopify...) solutions for all those graphic design ideas ideas, which are designer dreamed up - often in thetogether with a partner.

Prepare all these so that they work properly with the different in web browsers, on different display platforms (desktop pc, console, notebook, tablet, mobile phone...) 
So it is not the last aspect of responsiveness, which in a nutshell focuses on ensuring that the website or webpage can be optimally displayed on all devices.


By all devices, I mean everything is electronic, on a visual display device, on which an online website and its content can be displayed, I am thinking of desktops/desktop machines, workstations and their displays, monitors, laptops, notebooks, tablets, mobile phones, consoles, gaming machines, VR glasses, and other VR solutions, projectors... and be they any size and run any operating system, any web browser, and use any web browsing solution they can find... - no small challenge, I might add, but that's part of the job.


(Related article : SEO ALAPOK )


And finally, together with all of these, in line with properly display from expected result, the brand, a online presence, a websiteor, indeed, what is the purpose, what is the focus of Clientat.

In addition to these we include online presences, as websites, social networking sites, social media, online marketing, or any type of display where the subject or the text is part of reaching the target group, wording, i.e. the content

In the given case, if say a from we are talking about purpose, that blog type page whether it's an online web design course, or an online web design course, in any case Featured on Aspect the content, a quality content or the expert content, then it has a special weighting there, but is also an important element in general, for example SEO, i.e. text and content in terms of the appearance of the page. 


And last but not least, the auxiliary facilities or so-called barrier-free taking into account the websites. That is we need to think about the Visitors and customers with visual, hearing or mobility impairments.

It is a "game" with many components, a sharp game, or exercise. It cannot be all-inclusive and it cannot be all-inclusive. perfect for a website, an online presence, but it is necessary to weigh up the options, prioritise and, in doing so, aim for the maximum.


An improved, expanded v2.0 version of this article has been produced, which you can find herewho would read it. If this was enough of an introduction - I think it was :), I suggest the sequel, the 2. Part of!

Free WebDesign / WebDesigner Course Part 1 v2.0  - or The updated version 2.0 of the course is also available on this website! )

continue - Free WebDesign / WebDesigner Course (Part 2) Free WebDesign / WebDesigner Course (Part 3) Free WebDesign / WebDesigner Course (Part 4)  

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