SEO Guide, SEO Advice Part 1

SEO Guide SEO Basics, Ideas, Advice on SEO Links. Be found, not just seen! - Search Engine Optimization Basics Part 1

The following article is partly related to the for our free WebDesigner course / free Webdesigner for our multi-part course. However, as it can be rather complementary to it, as SEO is a separate profession, we will discuss it separately.

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As you probably know, Dear Reader, links play a key role in search engine optimisation (SEO).

A from internal linking and on-page SEO to link building and backlinks There are many ways to get the most out of SEO links. However, figuring out where to start is not always straightforward and especially not obvious.

In this article we discuss the fundamental role of links in SEO.

SEO search engine optimization tips ideas beginner guide
SEO search engine optimization tips ideas beginner guide

Next, we'll review the best techniques for SEO links and offer some guidelines that you can check out for more detailed information.

The importance of SEO links for websites - that's why we say they are not only visible, but also important for search engines (such as: google, bing...) should also be found on the website.

Links are one of the most important ranking factors for search engines such as Google. This means that the way you create links on your website or even WordPress on your website, can affect how visible your content is in search results. And here we're talking about positive and negative / good-bad links all at once.

/In short, by good links we mean useful links that help search engines find, rank and value your site. While by bad links we mean when so-called negative links/unrequested links point to our site and increase its spam, i.e. bad perception from the search engines' point of view./

There are different types of SEO links that can affect your ranking, including:

+ Internal links: links to pages within your website.

+ External links (or outbound links): links to external websites on your website.

+ Backlinks (or inbound links): links that point to your site from other websites

Internal link, external link, inbound link (backlink)
Internal link, external link, inbound link (backlink)

High quality backlinks (or inbound links) have the most significant SEO benefit. Not only can they help your overall optimization strategy, but they can also improve your visibility and search traffic!

However, getting these links is the most challenging and often costly task.

Fortunately, you can increase your website's ranking by focusing on improving the SEO links you add to your own site. When creating, generating and optimizing SEO links, it is important to use effective SEO techniques for real results and success!

This is a simple guide to using links for SEO (first 2 of 9 tips)

SEO search engine optimization tips ideas beginner guide

If you want to know more about keywords, keyword usage, see "How many SEO keywords should I use in my article?"!

How many SEO keywords should I use in my article?

You can also find some of our latest posts here:

Now that we have a better understanding of why links are so important in SEO let's look at some basic tips for using them.

Az alábbiakban kilenc tippet mutatunk be, amelyekkel azonnal elkezdheti a munkát.

For each tip, we explain the benefits, how it works and how to implement it.

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1. Take advantage of SEO link building techniques

A linképítés más weboldalakról a saját webhelyére mutató linkek (más néven backlinkek) megszerzésére utal. Ha más kiváló minőségű webhelyek linkelnek az Ön oldalaira, az javíthatja az oldalának az értékét, hitelességét és láthatóságát.

There are several techniques for using link building, such as:

  • Guest blogging
  • Social media Accessed at
  • Creating useful resources

SEO search engine optimization tips ideas beginner guide

Link building is important because it helps improve your website's organic search traffic. It can also build links to other relevant sites and bloggers in your industry.

To learn more about SEO link building, check out the following 8 simple tips on SEO link building - OK, this one is still in the making...

However, the domain authority of the website linking to you is important. The more popular and recognised a website is, the more of a boost your backlinks can give it.

Another essential element of the strategy is creating high-quality SEO content that people want to share.

You can create many different types of content and resources for generating backlinks, such as descriptions, tutorials, training materials, tutorials, infographics and videos...

To learn more about backlinks, read our simple guide to getting the backlinks you need for SEO. - it is also under release...

2. Remove poor quality backlinks to your site (if any, of course)

The best backlinks are good quality, natural links that come organically from someone else's website, from someone else's website, from valuable websites that are highly rated by Google or other search engines.

SEO search engine optimization tips ideas beginner guide

These natural links are not considered by Google as having been created by you or your company.

Poor quality links, unnatural links (paid links) or nofollow links are not the best backlinks, because search engines will notice them and tend to perceive your site in a negative way.

You may need to disavow (block) backlinks to your website.

As mentioned above, backlinks can help to SEO but only if they come from credible and relevant websites.

It's usually a good idea to block bounces from low-quality or spamming sites.

This process can prevent links from damaging your website's SEO and organic search traffic.

A weboldalára mutató linkeket egy SEO backlink-ellenőrző eszköz segítségével ellenőrizheti.

Then collect the link(s) you want to block, for example: in a text file, and upload it to Google. You can add the .txt file to the dedicated section of your Google Search Console account:

The Disable Links page in Google Search Console.

Select your domain from the property drop-down menu. Then click the Disable Links button and upload the text file. This process can take Google a few days to a week.

For more detailed information and guidance on good and bad backlinks, please see our guide on How to block backlinks to your website.

we will continue...

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