Free WebDesign / WebDesigner Course Part 1 - v2.0

Free WebDesign / Web Designer Course Part 1 - v2.0


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Free WebDesign / WebDesigner Course - Part 1 - v2.0

Welcome to the following free WebDesign / Web Design Web Designer course Part 1! - this is the improved version 2.0!

Web Design or WebDesigner

training and courses primarily for beginners recommended. However, the training does not stop at this level! 

Intermediate up to advanced level will also be able to develop. The course will take you step by step, lesson by lesson.

This course can also be found here

For beginners, it is perhaps less helpful, or more of a refresher, because the course starts from the basics and because the topics and steps are designed for beginners.

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Web Developer WebDesigner Designer Free Course - Content is King! 

The following free WebDesigner course, despite being free, provides a lot of help for:

For creating websites,

related to the Websites, and Web presence what he actually said

and the overall picture.

The course consists of several parts, because of its length and complexity. This is the first part, in which the fundsyou, the reader, get an insight into some concepts.

This is the Online WebDesign, WebDesigner training - if the all parts will guide you from the first steps to the advanced level.

The directions and themes are perhaps a little broader.
I'm going to point out here, because I've received criticism about this, that the web development or WordPress for website creation elements should not be part of the topic...

De azok lesznek! 🙂 Még ha csak érintőlegesen is.
But I wanted to draw the attention of the dear reader to this fact! - of course, these parts are easy to skip.

Let's get started, because I hope that this training series (which at the time of updating this article, currently has 4 partsWebDesign course part one here ; WebDesign course part two here ; WebDesign course part three here and the WebDesign course part four can be found here) , so I am confident that this training series can literally change the life of the Dear Reader!

WebDesigner - webdesign training online appearance

What is WebDesign?
Who is WebDesigner?
What is WebDesign?
What will this be suitable for, what will it be used for?

Online Free WebDesign Course?

Web design is really a combination of two different skill sets or industries.


1. Graphic design, image design

One of the graphic design Design, which is about how to use design, shapes, backgrounds, graphic elements. Whether it's matching colours that fit in with the context and the message you're conveying pictures, photos, videos design and presentation of the website in the most optimal way to convey the message to the user. 

Of course, part of the typography which will be discussed in more detail later. So, by preliminary, we mean the selection, use, dimensions, colours, layout of characters, letters, fonts.
We understand the brand, the brand and the image design is.

A very important aspect of all this, if we are talking about a website, for example website loading speed is.

Although this is basically an element of the next point, but we should also mention here, since an example not properly optimised, scaled, compressed image from or video element, in addition to crippling the site, can also have an extremely negative impact on organic search results, page ranking and ranking, and can even completely can sentence a person to death well prepared in other respects website.

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Web Development, WebDesign, WordPress, Coding - Artificial Intelligence, AI

2. Web, Web development, Website creationWebsite constructionWordPress website 

Preparation, Online WebDesign

The other is the WEB, Web development that looks for the best way to understand how people interact, how the internet affects people, how they react to each other and to issues.

What and how should the user experience and how they can be implemented WebDevelopment / By coding or Content Manager (such as WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, Wix, Shopify...) solutions for all those graphic design ideas ideas, which are designer, webdesigner dreamed up - often in thetogether with a partner.

Have your own project business idea, online presence
Design agreed with the client

Yes, an extremely important factor - speaking of the Client - is that we need to consult with our Clients on what we have dreamed up for them, or what they have dreamed up, or what we have created together (the latter two versions are less common, as we are typically hired by the Client to web design, by creating the image, the logo... because he has no idea.

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Of course, it is also increasingly common, fortunately, that clients want a quality look, a professionally done web design with a professional eye.

I think it's the better one and that's when we come in, we can really come into our own and open up our creative side...

Whatever the case, the steps of the concept and its implementation should always be agreed with the sponsor or the decision-maker authorised by the sponsor to do so.

That's when you'll have what your customer will be most satisfied with, happy to pay for and most likely to become a returning customer!

But let's take a step back in the general direction, and look at what other important elements of web design, and within that website development and the user experience.

Website Creation WordPress Website Creation WordPress Maintenance Contact
Website Creation WordPress Website Creation WordPress Maintenance Contact
What else can be included in the user experience, in the creation of a website?

The WebDesigner must create all these elements / steps, so that they work properly in different web browsers, on different display platforms (desktop pc, console, notebook, tablet, mobile phone...) 

So it is not the last aspect of responsiveness, - about which we wrote here with examples, problems, solutions and useful tools. So, in short, it focuses on making sure that your website or webpage looks optimal on all devices. This is what we call responsiveness, or perhaps the reader may have come across it more often as a mobile-friendly solution or mobile-friendly website.

Laptop-Tablet-Telephone-WordPress Website Creation Online Presence WordPress Operation WordPress Maintenance WordPress Maintenance WebDesign -
Laptop-Tablet-Mobile-Phone-WordPress Website Creation Online Presence WordPress Operation WordPress Maintenance WebDesign -

By the different platforms of presentation I just mentioned, or by all devices I mean all electronic, digital, on a visual display device, amine online website and its duration can be displayed. I am thinking of desktop/desktop machines, workstations and displays, monitors, laptops, notebooks, tablets, mobile phones, consoles, gaming machines, VR glasses, and other VR solutions, projectors... and be they any size and run any operating system, any web browser, and use any web browsing solution they can find... - no small challenge, I might add, but that's the job, it's part of the job.

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/SEO ALAPOK/ - not part of this training

A SEO is no longer a topic related to the creative part of WebDesign, but for a successful website or webpage to work effectively, it is inevitable that SEO, or, if you prefer a more Hungarian term, we call it search engine optimisation. As it is not closely related to the topic, but a related element, I have included here the About SEO basics one of our writings about - there are more on the subject...

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Online Marketing SEO White Hat White Hat SEO Online Marketing Social Media SEO Google WEB Webserve

Brand, target group, content...

And finally, together with all of these, in line with properly display from expected result, the brand, a online presence, a websiteor, indeed, what is the purpose, what is the focus of Clientat.

In addition to these we include online presences, as websitessocial networking sitessocial mediaonline marketing, or any type of display where the subject or the text is part of reaching the target group, wording, i.e. the content

In the given case, if say a from we are talking about purpose, that blog type page be, i.e. Featured on Aspect the content, a quality content or the expert content, then it has a special weighting there, but is also an important element in general, for example SEO, i.e. text and content in terms of the appearance of the page. 

Web Blog WebDesign, WordPress Website Design Online Presence Blog Website Design Web Blog WebDesign, WordPress Website Design Online Presence Blog Is WebP the best Web image format and photo format?

And last but not least, the auxiliary facilities or so-called barrier-free taking into account the websites. That is we need to think about the Visitors and customers with visual, hearing or mobility impairments.

Responsive Mobile Friendly Website / Responsive WebDesign- Typography, PX, EM, REM, %, VW, VH
Free WebDesign / WebDesigner Course Part 1 - v2.0 - WebServe - WordPress Website Creation Maintenance

Ez egy igen sok összetevős “játék”, éles játék, vagyis feladat. Mindenre nem terjedhet ki és mindenben nem lehet tökéletes egy weboldal, egy online presence, but it is necessary to weigh up the options, prioritise and, in doing so, aim for the maximum.

continue - Free WebDesign / WebDesigner Course (Part 2)

Free WebDesign / WebDesigner Course (Part 3)

Free WebDesign / WebDesigner Course (Part 4)


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